Asset Transactions Report


This report shows information about all the Transactions related to an Asset, each one shows basic information such as: Date, Code, Use Asset Code, Brief Description of Asset, Transaction Status, Amount, etc.

Users access the report from the menu through this navigation path.: Assets ► Asset Reports ► Asset Transactions


The following is a screenshot of the Asset Transaction Report filters.

The following table lists and describes all the filters for the Asset Transaction Report, in their default order. Note that some filters rely on rendering control and system parameters to be visible and / or editable to users. Filter names are subject to change through language tag settings.

Origin of TransactionIt is the Origin of the Transaction that can be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Transaction StatusIt is the Origin of the Transaction that can be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Asset Item TypeIt is the Type of fixed asset that can be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Asset ItemIt is the utility that can be selected as a filter criterion for the report.
InstitutionIt is the Institution that can be selected as the filter criteria for the report.
EmployeeIt is the code of the employee whose information is required.
RegionIt is the Region that can be selected as filter criteria for the report.
Asset TransactionIt is the Class of the Use Asset that can be selected as filter criteria for the report.
OriginOrigin of the Usage Good transaction.
Transaction DateDate range of the creation of the transaction.
Transaction TypeIt allows to indicate by type of transaction.
Group byGrouping by type of transaction
Order by
Allows users to define the classification criteria for the report.

The image is shown as a reference material; The position and names of labels, fields, and buttons are subject to parameter, render control settings, and installed revision.


The following is a screenshot of the Asset Transaction Report output fields.

The following table lists and describes all the visible fields for the Asset Transaction Report, in their default order. Note that some fields are dependent on system parameters and render control settings for users to view and / or edit. Field names are subject to change through language tag settings.

Filter CriteriaShows the filter criteria selected to generate the report.
Order ByDisplays the sort criteria selected to generate the report.
T. DateDescribe the date the transaction occurred.
Transaction IDIndicates the asset transaction IDs.
Asset Item IDIt is a unique identification number that describes a specific asset
Asset Short DescriptionIt is a short text that describes the asset.
Transaction TypeIndicates the types of asset transactions.
T. OrigenIndicates that the origin of the asset transaction is manual or automatic.
T. StatusIndicates the current status of the asset transaction.
Transaction AmountEs el costo de la transacción (pueden ser valores positivos o negativos).
StageRefers to the workflow stage of the transaction.
NameIndicates the name of the employees.
Employee PositionIndicates the positions of the employees of the respective employee.
SignatureResponsible employees must sign here.
DateIndicate the date of signing.

The image is shown as a reference material; The position and names of labels, fields, and buttons are subject to parameter, render control settings, and installed revision.

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